Cancer is one disease that has a lot of treatment or treatment. Treatment can be either medical treatment or traditional medicine through herbs. It takes careful consideration for a patient with cancer to choose the type of treatment to be performed. The decision of the patient in taking the treatment step will be influenced by several factors, both internally and externally.
People who live in ancient times more often use traditional medicine by utilizing herbal plants to treat the disease. Over time, the use of medical technology or medicine that is considered more accurate in the healing of disease increasingly popular in treatment. Nonetheless, people's habits of utilizing herbal plants as a treatment are still being preserved.
As with cancer, there are a variety of herbs that can be used to treat or treat cancer. One of the natural ingredients that can be used to overcome cancer, namely lemon. In everyday life, lemon is usually used as a food ingredient or consumed directly in certain ways.
In recent years, there have been a number of studies that do research on lemons to know its benefits for cancer. From the study found that lemons can be used to prevent various cancers, such as cervical cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer, and other cancers. The benefits of lemon for cancer will be described as follows.
- The ability of lemon as anti-cancer
- The ability of lemons to inhibit cancer cell growth
- Lemons can reduce the proportion of people affected by cancer
- Lemons are able to protect normal cells and prevent cancer
- Lemon is able to kill cancer cells
- Lemon is able to slow the growth of cancer cells
- Lemon is able to boost the immune system
- Lemons can prevent parasites more effectively
- Lemons are capable of destroying carcinogenic cells
The yellow color found in lemon, aroma, and fruit is the most valuable medicine. In addition to the oil content in it that is rich in carbohydrates, sugars, and fiber contained other beneficial substances. These substances include vitamin C, riboflavin, folic acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, limonoid, flavonoids, carotenoids, and other substances. These substances have the ability as an anti-cancer substances that will prevent the onset of cancer in the body.
Inside the lemon, there is a substance called limonin. This substance has the ability as anti-tumor, anti-virus, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hypnotic effects are good for cancer cells that can inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
In research conducted by Japanese scientists, it is known that the consumption of lemon fruit can reduce the number of people who have the possibility of cancer. The study was conducted on respondents who suffer from cancer and respondents who are in normal condition. The result is about 40,000 Japanese adults after consuming lemons to avoid the risk of cancer.
According to research conducted by experts, the content of flavonoids contained in the lemon can improve the function of DNA. In addition, these substances will minimize damage to DNA cells that are a common cause of cancer. So that lemon can be used to protect normal cells and prevent the occurrence of cancer.
The researchers found that the presence of folic acid in lemons protects normal cells and prevents cancer. In studies conducted in recent years, it was found that folic acid as an anti-cancer is likened to a "double-edged sword" because it can reduce the development of cancer cells and kill cancer-causing cells.
Lemons are believed to be 10,000 times more powerful to kill cancer cells compared to chemotherapy treatments and 10,000 times better than adriamycin which is a therapeutic drug. Adriamycin is used to slow the growth of cancer cells. Meanwhile, the content contained in the lemon can kill cancer cells and will not damage cells - cells that are still in normal circumstances.
The content of substances contained in the lemon can be utilized to maintain the immune system. Other benefits are obtained, including destroying existing toxins in the body, controlling blood pressure, prevent colds and flu, prevent premature aging, improve calmness, and can be used for skin care.
Lemon is very effective against the prevention of internal parasites and worms. In addition, lemons are able to regulate blood pressure, anti - depression, reduce stress, and critical nerves. This has been proven through research conducted as many as 20 times laboratory tests since 1970.
Lemon fruit is believed to destroy carcinogenic cells contained in 12 types of cancer. Lemon fruit is believed to prevent cancer more potent than any other type of cancer treatment.
- The first step to do is to choose the lemon. It is advisable to choose lemon from the organic planting result, because it is more authenticity and naturalness.
- Then wash the lemon fruit by using clean running water and can also use a special liquid to clean the fruit.
- Put the finished lemon fruit into the refrigerator or freezer. Adjust the time it takes to freeze the lemons by utilizing the power of the refrigerator.
- If the freezer or refrigerator is fast in the process of freezing, then immediately remove the lemon that has been in frozen condition.
- Parutlah lemon fruit that has been frozen without peeling the skin. Keep in mind that in the skin of lemon contain many anti-cancer substances. The process of freezing lemon fruit aims to facilitate in the lemon so that the skin is not wasted.
- We can consume the frozen lemon fruit by sprinkling it on other foods, such as soups, noodles, cereals, or salads. It is advisable for food to be sprinkled or extract of frozen lemon is organic food free from harmful chemicals.
For people who first consume lemon may be unfamiliar, but can slowly increase appetite. Consume lemon is also good for the digestive system, but if consumed in excess will cause side effects. One of the effects is that lemon will damage tooth enamel. Adding lemon acids to water may increase the risk of enamel erosion. This will cause problems, as tooth enamel can not be replaced. To reduce the risk, there are several things you can do, including:
- If you want to consume warm lemon water in the morning, you should wait a while until the water is a little cooler. In addition it is recommended to use a straw. This is done in order to help push the tooth out.
- Preferably, drinking lemon water done before brushing your teeth, so the acid content of the lemon will not damage the enamel directly.
- Instead, do not drink lemon water just like that. Drink as part of food. The goal is to assist in stimulating the production of saliva in the mouth.
- That's the exposure of the benefits of lemon for cancer along with some tips that can be done to consume lemon fruit. May be useful.