Monday, September 11, 2017

6 Causes of Brain Cancer In Children and Adults

The exact cause of brain cancer is not known for certain. Some experts only find a change from normal cells to cancer cells that became one cause of cancer. In addition, there are several factors that cause a person to experience an increased risk of cancer.

Risk factors related to lifestyle such as diet, weight, physical activity and tobacco use are major risk factors for cancers that affect adults. But this factor usually takes years to affect the risk of cancer. This factor has little effect on childhood cancer, including brain cancer. Only very few risk factors are found to actually affect the occurrence of brain cancer and there is no exact cause of this tumor. Here is an explanation of each cause of child's brain cancer and risk factors.

  1. Oncogen Vs Genes tumor suppressor

  2. Cancer cells grow and function because of the information contained on each cell's chromosome. Chromosome is the genetic material contained in the cell. Like other cancers, brain cancer also grows because of changes in DNA. However, this DNA is susceptible to genetic changes one of which is a mutation. DNA is an important genetic material for cell development. Some genes regulate how cells can grow, the cells will divide into new cells then die. Some genes help cells to grow, divide and defend the nose called oncogens that cause tumors and cancer. On the other hand, there are genes that slow down cell division or cause the cell to die at the right time, this gene is called tumor suppressor gene. Cancer can be caused by gene changes that cause active oncogenes and inactivate tumor suppressor genes.

  3. Exposure to radiation

  4. Environmental risk factors that have been proven through many studies as a risk factor for tumor or brain cancer are exposure to radiation to the head. The most frequent radiation exposure and the most frequent dose is when a person is undergoing therapy or other conditions. For example, before the risk of radiation was known to increase the risk of brain cancer more than 50 years ago, children with fungal infections on the scalp seing received low-dose radiation therapy. It is found as an increased risk of brain tumors when they are old. Currently, the most induced radiation of brain cancer is radiation caused by a cancer therapy that affects the head called leukemia. Tumors due to radiation exposure will develop 10-15 years after radiation. Radiation-induced tumors are still very rare, but because of increased risks and side effects, radiation therapy is given to the head area after considering many things including good and bad for the patient. For example, in patients with tumors close to the head, for example nasopharyngeal cancer if given cancer therapy, the benefits will be greater because the radiation therapy is a therapy for the cancer. While the loss of radiation that still causes brain tumors a few years later.

    Radiation risk can cause brain cancer in exposure when examined with x-ray or CT scan. However, the radiation that arises is much less when x-ray beam is used for therapy. So if it raises the risk of brain cancer, the chances are very small. To be safe, most doctors recommend that pregnant women and young children do not do this if they are not really needed.

  5. Genetic

  6. Hereditary or genetic factors are found very rarely, ie less than 5% of brain cancers. Parents can lower abnormal genetic in their children, thus increasing the risk of the child suffering from brain cancer. In other cases, the abnormal gene is not inherited but due to various causes of a change called the mutation of the gene before birth.

  7. Mobile phone usage
    Mobile phones use radiofrequency (RF) waves. The radiofrequency is a form of electromagnetic energy in the spectrum between FM radio waves and infrared waves present in microwave ovens, radar and satellite stations. Mobile phones do not provide ionizing radiation, where this radiation causes the destruction of DNA in the cell nucleus. However, there should also be alert for those of you who place your mobile phone near the head, as it may increase the risk of brain tumors. Several studies have reported that the risk of suffering from brain tumors or schwannoma will increase in adults who always use cell phones. However, most studies reveal that there is no increased risk of brain tumors in the use of cell phones. Therefore, not necessarily mobile phones can cause brain cancer. This happens because the mobile phone is constantly changing as well as its specifications, making it a little difficult to find the long-term effects of mobile phones on the growth of brain cancer. The risk of this use is still being investigated, so it takes time enough to find the right conclusions. But you better better reduce the bad effects of mobile phone radiation with the use of earphones when the phone or use the speakers while listening to the song.

  8. Another factor

  9. Another factor that can increase the risk of a child suffering from brain cancer is the consumption of aspartame. Asmpartam there is a kind of sugar substitute that contains artificial sweeteners. This artificial sweeteners are sometimes used by fruit or beverage pedangan because the price is relatively cheaper than the sugar. Sweet taste of artificial sweeteners has a difference with the sweetness of sugar. On artificial sweeteners sweet taste mixed a little bitter. So, you can be more vigilant when consuming drinks like this.

    Another factor is to be in an electromagnetic field in an area close to the energy center or transfometer and infection by some viruses. However, evidence of these things can cause abnormalities in the tumor is still not very clear.

  10. Spread of other cancers

  11. The brain can also be an organ that is the target of cancer cells that spread. Cancers are often spread to the brain are some types of lung cancer, bone cancer, stage 4 colon cancer, eye cancer, lymph cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer and other cancers. This spreading stage is called metastasis and will usually arise at a later stage.

That was some of the things that might be the cause of a child suffering from brain cancer. However, the above things still have some who have not fully possessed valid evidence linked to an increased risk of a person suffering from brain cancer. However, you should avoid by knowing the symptoms of brain cancer and early symptoms of brain cancer and avoid a variety of radiation one of them is a mobile phone. Nowadays, children have been exposed early with this communication technology to play game games on mobile apps. It's a good idea to make a rule of use on your child and in the future they do not have brain cancer and can socialize better.

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