Wednesday, September 6, 2017

9 Causes of Brain Cancer and Risk Factors

Brain cancer begins with tumor growth in the brain. A tumor, either in the brain or elsewhere, is the mass of cells that reproduce themselves in an uncontrolled way ((, The Facts Of Brain Cancer, accessed 05 November 2014)). Brain cancer originating from a tumor in the brain is called a primary brain tumor. Tumors can spread and destroy the nearest parts of the brain. In addition, breast, lung, or blood cancers (leukemia or lymphoma) can also spread (metastasize) to the brain, causing metastatic brain cancer.

Although the cause of brain cancer can not be found with certainty, but factors that may be likely to increase the development of brain tumors is worth knowing:

Genetic Risk Factors

Anything that refers to genes can be called "genetic". In the case of a hereditary brain tumor, mutations or changes in the DNA sequence that make up a particular gene, passed from grandmother to parent to child. Most genetic risk factors are not inherited at birth, but do develop from time to time as we get older.
Genes are operating instructions for the whole body. While most of our genes do the job as expected, other small numbers may become inactive or stop working. Inactivated or damaged genes can change the way cells grow, which can eventually lead to tumor development ((, Brain Tumor Risk Factors, accessed 05 November 2014)).

  1. kieFamily History

  2. In the case of brain tumors that occur, about 5% have a relationship with genetic factors (heredity), as well as conditions of Li-Fraumeni syndrome, neurofibromatosis, nevoid syndrome basal cell carcinoma, tuberous sclerosis, Turcot syndrome, and von Hippel-Lindau disease. Scientists have also found brain cluster "clusters" in the absence of any association with these hereditary conditions and research is underway to try to find the cause.

  3. kieChromosomal Changes

  4. Every normal cell in every human body has 23 pairs of chromosomes. The most common chromosome changes in brain tumors occur on chromosomes 1, 10, 13, 17, 19, and 22. Changes in chromosomes 1 and 19 are most commonly found in oligodendrogliomas and changes in chromosome 22 are most commonly found in meningiomas.

    Maybe we have concerns about brain tumors that occur due to heredity. For that start to know the family history by consulting with family doctors. Although routine screening for brain tumors is currently unavailable (a means of preventing breast cancer or cervical cancer early), but the unusual features and symptoms of brain cancer such as headache or short-term memory loss can be investigated in family history or everyday conditions.

    Environmental Risk Factors

    Much research has been done on a number of potential environmental risk factors. Of the many factors studied, only one exposure to ION radiation has been clearly shown to increase the risk of developing a brain tumor. Several studies have shown that a history of adult allergies, mothers consuming fruits and vegetables during pregnancy, children who consume vegetables and have chicken pox, suggest that the potential for development of this brain tumor is diminishing.

  5. kieElectromagnetic fields

  6. Much of the growing information about the energy of the power grid or the use of this phone, allowing for an increased risk of brain tumors. This is the reason for the World Health Organization's (WHO) action that recommends limiting the use of mobile phones and replacing them with headsets or hands free for adults and children.

  7. kieRadiation

  8. Radiation-headed radiation treatment techniques performed on previous illnesses including ionizing x-rays have, in some cases, been linked to factors that develop brain cancer risk.

  9. kieViral Infections and Allergens

  10. Epstein Barr virus infection (EBV) affects the increased risk of lymphoma. EBV is also more commonly known as the virus that causes mononucleosis. In another study, a high level virus called cytomegalovirus (CMV) has been found in brain tumor tissue but the meaning of these findings is still under investigation. Several other virus types have been shown to cause brain tumors performed in animal experiments, but much data is still needed to determine whether exposure to viral infections can be a cause of brain cancer ( Brain Tumor: Risk Factors, accessed 05 November 2014)

  11. kieN-nitroso compounds

  12. Several studies conducted on N-nitroso supplements and diet show that there is an increased risk of brain tumors in children and adults. N-nitroso compounds are formed in the body, derived from nitric or nitric substances that are contained in some meat, cigarette smoke, and cosmetics. However, further research is still needed to prove the cause of this brain cancer.

    It is important to note that the cause of brain cancer is not accurately due to environmental factors, which means that the results of the entire study may become inconsistent. Further studies should be conducted before believing that environmental factors such as specific food consumption (nitrites), smoking, cell phone use are an absolute risk factor for brain tumors.

    Other Supporting Factors

  13. kieAge

  14. The risk of developing this brain cancer, also affected by age. The most common brain tumor in older adults. However, brain tumors can occur at any age and some types of brain tumors occur exclusively in children.

  15. kieGender

  16. Generally brain cancer is more likely to occur in men than women but certain types of brain tumors such as meningioma, more common in women.

  17. kieRace and ethnicity

  18. In the United States, whites are more likely to develop glioma (a type of brain cancer) but are less likely to develop meningiomas than blacks. The same is true for people from northern Europe twice as likely to develop brain tumors.

Each of us must understand how these brain cancer can occur in the body. This is the right way to prevent this deadly brain cancer.

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