Tuesday, September 5, 2017

16 Ways to Prevent Cervical Cancer Naturally Most Powerful

Cancer of the cervix can be prevented in various ways. There are ways that have been recorded as a guide to cervical cancer. To reduce the incidence of cervical cancer or cervical cancer there are two ways that need to be done. The first way is to prevent the formation of precancerous lesions and the second way is to detect precancerous lesions before they can actually become cancer of the cervix or cervical cancer.

In one study, nearly 100% of cervical cancer cases were tested 100% positive for HPV. Although already infected with this virus, only a small number of cases that eventually can develop into cervical cancer. In fact, women who have one sexual partner can be infected with HPV virus and can be detected only one or two years later. Therefore, preventing infection with this virus is the key to how to prevent cervical cancer naturally:

  1. Vaccination HPV

  2. Wherever you are today, HPV vaccination is one of the most effective and reliable cervical cancer profiles. In fact, recently the HPV vaccine has been included as a mandatory vaccine by the Indonesian ministry. Going forward this vaccine may be subsidized by the government or it will be free for all Indonesian women to have this immunity.

    The HPV vaccine is administered in three separate doses usually in months 0.1, and 6 months. The earliest age for this vaccine is 11 or 12 years old. The HPV vaccine is given at the latest by the age of 26 as a catch-up vaccine. HPV vaccine can also be given to men such as gay and homosexual men.

  3. Lifestyle

  4. The common lifestyle has been considered to have a weak linkage to cervical cancer. Lifestyle is a food that does not contain high in fiber such as fruits and vegetables. The signs are weight gain.

    In addition, women who have a smoking habit have twice the risk of cervical cancer compared to women who are not smokers. Based on research, the chemicals that cause cancer and tobacco from cigarettes are found to be in the cervical or cervical mucosa.

  5. Superfood

  6. Above teah mentioned that lifestyle affect the risk of the occurrence of cervical cancer or cervical cancer. Eating healthy and nutritious foods can be a way of preventing any disease. However, how jiga already eating healthy food every day is still suffering from certain chronic diseases? In essence, the habit of eating a healthy diet is to help the body avoid RISK suffering from a disease.

    So if you are wondering why other people who do not have healthy habits do not suffer from a disease like yours then the answer is probably that person has a lower risk of you to suffer from a disease due to factors other than food, whereas actually if he has a lifestyle a healthy risk will be even smaller than if he had a poor diet.

    Here are some foods that have recently received a new title of superfood. Superfood is a food rich in antioxidants or other compounds that can help the body counteract free radicals that can cause cancer.

  7. Superfood high in fiber

  8. Superfood foods that contain lots of fiber and serves to prevent cancer are broccoli, berries and garlic. These three foods are low in calories and fat and are high in phytochemicals and antioxidants that can help reduce the risk of cancer.

    What are the antioxidants and substances contained in these foods?

    You may often hear that antioxidants such as vitamin C, lycopene and beta carotene are antioxidants that can fight cancer. A study showed that people who eat lots of fruits and vegetables that contain these antioxidants and phytochemicals have a lower cancer risk. Some of the chemical variations found in plants known as phytochemicals also have the effect of protecting cells from harmful environments and always preventing cells from harm and mutations into cancer cells.

  9. Garlic

  10. Garlic is one type of tuber plant that is slightly smelly but very healthy. The smell of garlic contains sulfur that prevents cancer in the body and accelerate the repair of DNA and kill cancer cells. In addition, garlic can fight bacteria hemophilus pylori which is often found pda genius gastritis which can cause gastric cancer and reduce the risk of colon cancer. In order to get the benefits of garlic in the maximum you can follow the following garlic cooking tips.

    Peel the garlic skin and cut into small pieces and leave for 15-20 minutes before cooking. It aims to activate enzymes and remove sulfur-containing components that have a protective effect. Eating under white is directly different from consuming garlic extract from dietary supplements. There is no data showing that the supplements are safe for health and effective in preventing cancer. Therefore it is better to consume garlic directly.

  11. Broccoli

  12. Broccoli is one of the many phytochemical plants. Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and lettuce are foods containing phytochemicals called glucosinolates. This phytochemistry is a protective enzyme that will vapor every time you plant this plant either when it is raw or already cooked.

    When you chew the cell wall this food will break and release this enzyme. Your body will also secrete this enzyme in the gut. Fahey explains that when you eat raw or cooked broccoli and pass through your digestive tract, the glucosinolate enzyme will be active.

    In addition, broccoli contains other substances that have a protective effect, namely sulforaphane. Sulfuraphane substances can reduce the risk of cancer by detoxifying harmful substances such as vehicle fumes, cigarette smoke and environmental pollutants that enter the body. Sulforaphane can also attack H. pylori bacteria. Cooking broccoli by seasoning it with garlic and olive oil can be a healthy and delicious food option.

  13. Tomatoes

  14. Tomatoes are red, juicy and ripe is one of the foods that can provide cancer prevention effects. Inside the tomato contained lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant contained in tomatoes. Lycopene can inhibit a number of cancer cells to develop as in breast cancer, lung cancer, uterine cancer and cervical cancer. Researchers speculate that lycopene can protect cells from damage by boosting the immune system. Because the immune system that meniingkat will protect the body from HPV virus and inhibit abnormal cell growth.

    In order for you to get maximum benefit from lycopene contained in tomal then you can eat tomatoes directly without cooking with juiced or can also eat tomatoes that have been cooked. however, you should remember that the lycopene substances contained in the cooked tomatoes can be reduced because the hot temperature when cooking the food will destroy the cell wall of the tomato plant. As a result many lycopene substances are out and damaged before consumption. However, you can get plenty of lycopene from eating fruits such as watermelons, purple grapes and red peppers.

  15. Strawberries

  16. Strawberries are known as good fruits for heart disease, memory loss day recall and cancer jug. Berry berry extract can slow the growth of cancer cells especially strawberry extract and black raspberries. Strawberries are a fruit rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C and ellagic acid. Elagic acid has anti-cancer effect.

    In laboratory tests found increased activity of enzymes that serve to destroy substances that cause cancer and reduce tumor growth. Strawberries also contain flavonoids that can suppress enzymes that damage DNA. In addition to strawberry berry fruit berries can also give the same effect with strawberries but this fruit is rarely found such as raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, blueberries. Blueberries are rich in anthocyanins that can reduce the effects of inflammation and are powerful antioxidants.

  17. Carrots

  18. One of the easiest vegetables in the can is carrots. And it turns out this carrot contains many nutrients to fight cancer. Carrots contain beta-carotene which is an antioxidant that can protect cell membranes from toxins that destroy them and inhibit cancer growth.

    Some experts claim that carrots may protect against cervical cancer or cervical cancer, possibly because of its antioxidant effect against HPV (Humman papilloma virus), where it is a major cause of cervical cancer. And also, carrots contain falcarinol, a natural pesticide that can also prevent cancer growth.

    Cooked carrots contain more carrots than raw carrots. Based on reports from a journal. If you are cooking your carrots first cook them by steaming or boiling in fresh water then cut into pieces after the carrots are ripe enough. This is done nutrient content of carrots are not missing many, such as falcarinol and also will give a sweet taste in your carrot dish.

  19. Spinach

  20. Spinach is a vegetable that contains antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin and carotenoid. This material will help your body ward off free radicals. Radical bebeas merupaka compounds that can destroy the body's cells. Spinach is believed to lift some cancers such as stomach cancer, esophagus, cancer of female reproductive organs and lung cancer

  21. Whole Wheat

  22. Whole wheat contains antioxidant compounds such as saponins and lignans that prevent cancer cells from dividing rapidly. To get this food you can choose a meal that is made of whole wheat. In addition, whole grains can also launch a bowel movement that helps avoid other cancers such as colon cancer.

  23. Avoid getting married less than 18 years for women

  24. In women who are only 18 years old and under, it is not advisable to have sexual intercourse. This is because the reproductive organs at that age are not mature enough to have sexual intercourse. So at the end of it and have sexual intercourse can experience HPV virus infection which is the main cause of cervical cancer. In addition, in a study that examined pregnant women less than 18 years had a risk of cervical cancer two times greater than women who wait to get pregnant when the age has reached 25 years.

  25. Avoid changing sexual partners or marrying more than once

  26. Switching between sexual partners can increase the risk of sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia, syphilis, and HIV-AIDS. Sexually transmitted infections will cause the cervical mucosa to become irritated and damaged making it easy to get infected with the HPV virus. A woman who has more than one pasual nseksual has a higher risk of cervical cancer than women who have one partner.

  27. Avoid Cigarettes

  28. Various substances contained in cigarettes and tobacco can be found in the mucosa or mucous membrane layer of cervical cancer or cervical cancer. The substance of cigarettes can cause cervical cancer by damaging the iDNA mater in cervical cells. Therefore, women who smoke have a higher risk of cervical cancer than those who do not.

  29. Limit use of oral contraceptives

  30. The risk of a woman suffering from cervical cancer and using oral contraceptives is increased compared to women who do not use oral contraceptives. However, when the woman stopped using contraceptives, the risk of cervical cancer became normal again. Women who take oral contraceptives for 5 years have increased risk of cervical cancer but after 10 years of cessation of oral contraceptives, the risk returns like a normal person.

  31. Avoid getting pregnant more than twice

  32. Women who become pregnant more than twice have a risk of cervical cancer. The reason is not known for certain, probably because the cervix repeatedly receives trauma during childbirth and sexual intercourse.

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