Monday, September 11, 2017

7 Alternative Liver Cancer Treatments Stage 4

Liver cancer is the most common malignancy caused by chronic infection of hepatitis B virus. To combat this viral infection, vaccinations are made to prevent hepatitis B infection. However, in Indonesia, there are still many people who do not do hepatitis B vaccination or repeat this vaccine. Thus, her body is not protected from hepatitis B infection and can suffer from this infection and become a malignant disease.

Treatment of stage 4 liver cancer symptoms is usually only limited to the provision of anti-viral drugs and only in certain cases performed surgery. From several studies that have been done, there are some plants that are usually used in traditional Chinese medicine and have the following antitumor effect is the list.

  1. Kacapiring Plant

  2. Plants glass plate contains ursolic acid compounds, which is a kind of natural triterpenoid found in many glass plate plants (Gardenia jasminoides Ellis). In addition, it can also be found on Prunella vulgaris and wild snake tongue grass. The ursolic acid has the effect of inhibiting oxidative stress and hepatocarcinogenesis. Oxidative stress comes from free radicals that are formed on the body either by excessive exercise, eating foods high in harmful chemicals, and other things that produce many free radicals. Free radicals will accelerate hepatocytes cells infected by hepatitis B virus mutations and become malignant. Alfatoxin is a toxin that induces the formation of liver cancer. Ursolic acid can protect the liver or liver.

  3. Curcuma

  4. Curcuma or known as turmeric and temulawak turned out to have a similar effect to ursolic acid. Sometimes, the use of these two substances is combined to provide protection against the liver. Curcumin works by reducing or inhibiting diethylnitrosamine (DEN), which induces the formation of oxidative stress that triggers hepatic cell mutations or hepatocytes. Curcuma has a variety of types of one that has an effect on liver cancer, namely Curcuma kwangsiensis, C. phaeocaulis, C.wenyujin or C.longa.

  5. S. miltiorrhiza Bunge (Dan-Shen)

  6. Kannker has characteristics of cell proliferation or uncontrolled cell division and tumor growth. Barriers to proliferation or cell division and tumor growth are among the primary goals of any cancer therapy. S. Miltiorhiza Bunge has salvianolic acid B that has a proliferative effect on hepatoma cells.

  7. Gembolo or Dioscorea bulbifera

  8. Gembolo that comes from the gadung-gadungan tribe is a tuber crop that is usually planted in the yard of the community. This plant began to rarely found in urban areas, but if in the village this plant may still be found in many yard communities. Gembolo plant is a plant that propagates, this plant can rotate to the right in the direction of the clock when viewed from above. Gembolo contains saponin steroids that have the effect of inhibiting cell proliferation and inhibit tumor growth such as S.Miltiorhiza effect.

  9. Srikaya

  10. Srikaya or annona squamosa are plants that are found in tropical places. The plant is famous for its round shaped srikaya fruit similar to pine seeds with much-eyed skin like soursop and has a sweet and white fleshy meat. Srikaya plant itself is a plant that molt and the height can reach 8 meters. Has intermittent leaves, simple and longitudinal splinting 7-12 cm long with 3-4 cm wide. This srikaya contains acetogenin whose extracts show the effect of cell antiblitty on liver cancer cells.

  11. Panax ginseng

  12. Apoptosis is an automatic program of cell death. Apotosis is one that keeps the balance of the body. The cells that are old and can not perform their functions properly will be eliminated through this apoptosis. Apoptosis that does not work properly will cause many cells in the human body and become a tumor that is an abnormal lump that exists in the human body. Panax ginseng contains triterpenoids and 20 (R) ginsenoide Rg3, these substances can induce apoptosis in liver cancer cells. However, panax ginseng is consumed continuously in the long run, which is more than 6 months. Penenliti believes the long-term use of panax ginseng can cause harmful effects on the body because it has hormonal effects. Here are some side effects.

    • Have difficulty sleeping or insomnia.
    • Some people have menstrual problems
    • Breast pain
    • Increased pulse rate
    • High or low blood pressure
    • Headache
    • Loss of appetite
    • Diarrhea
    • Itchy
    • Skin redness
    • Dizzy
    • Mood changes
    • Bleeding from the birth canal

    Not everyone can consume this ginseng, there are some special circumstances that should if you have these conditions do not eat them. When you are pregnant and breastfeeding, you should not consume panax ginseng. According to some studies using animal experiments, ginseng pannax can cause disruption to body growth and can be toxic to your child's body.

    In addition to pregnant women, panax ginseng should not be used on those of you who suffer from certain diseases such as autoimmune diseases, bleeding cervical cancer and other bleeding conditions, heart disease, diabetes, and hormone-sensitive diseases such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer. Panax ginseng containing genocide compounds may act as iestrogens. If you have other worsening conditions due to estrogen exposure, the use of panax ginseng should be discontinued.

  13. Uranging

  14. Urang-aring or Eclipta prostate is a kind of plant that is a wild plant or weed which is usually known to nourish hair. Urine is an annual crop that has an erect and lying stem and usually branches up to 0.8 m. The stem is round solid and purplish color with white fine hair. The flowers are incorporated in the long-stemmed compound bongkol, there is a collection of flowers on the edge or at the end or lie on the flower armpit. The urin-aring leaves or Eclipta prostate contain an epigenin component that can induce old cell apoptosis and can withstand the cell cycle in G2 / M phase in liver cancer cells. This leaf extract produces a black substance used to blacken the hair and to make a tattoo.

    That was some information about the good plants for traditional treatment of liver cancer. Treatment of liver cancer is very difficult and full of challenges so that prevention will be better with hepatitis B vaccination. In addition, there are bakery you know the symptoms of liver cancer and early symptoms of liver cancer so that treatment is not too late and requires a lot of money.

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