Tuesday, September 12, 2017

20 Early Characteristics Of Breast Cancer Center In Women

Currently, breast cancer is a disease that threatens most women and causes female deaths. Since the last two decades, researchers have been researching deeply about this disease and its treatment so as to find more efficient and less dangerous therapies. Increased public awareness of this disease and increased screening have referred to the early diagnosis of breast cancer so that immediate surgery and curative therapy can be completed.

The survival rate of young breast cancer sufferers has increased significantly today. Breast cancer is usually painless in the early stages. However, some things can be a sign of breast cancer or a lump in breast that is not cancer. Therefore, immediately consult yourself to the doctor at the hospital in order to get a complete examination. Here are the symptoms, signs and risk factors for breast cancer that you need to be aware of.

  1. Change the size of one of the breasts

  2. A breast lump can cause a size change in one of the breasts. Screening by checking your own breasts regularly every month can detect the size change of one breast. Maybe at that moment you have not felt any lumps in the breast. Size changes can be the earliest sign of breast cancer.

  3. Changes form one of the breasts

  4. Just as size changes, shape changes can be detected by performing breast self-examination. You can compare the two forms of your breasts in front of the mirror to see if there is a difference in shape between one breast to another. If you find the difference, you should check yourself.

  5. Benjolan on the breast

  6. A breast lump is not always a breast cancer. You can check the lump that appears on the breast. Lumps on the breast, you can detect the breast with palpation on the breast.Benjolan can be palpable hard, chewy or cystic.

  7. Benjolan on the armpit

  8. Breast tissue is shaped like a comet with its tail reaching the armpit, so it can also appear a lump in the armpit area. However, a lump in the armpits is usually another cancer such as lymphoma or cancer of lymph nodes.

  9. Reddish skin that does not disappear

  10. Breast cancer usually does not provide pain or signs of inflammation. Breast cancer that gives inflammation has several possibilities could be a late breast cancer, breast cancer of the type of inflammation, or disease other than breast cancer. But if it does not improve then suspected early symptoms of breast cancer.

  11. Exit the liquid from the nipple other than breast milk

  12. Breast cancer originating from cells in the breast gland can trigger the formation of fluid in the breast. In the already advanced cancer will arise bleeding due to rupture of new blood vessels that are formed from breast cancer. Blood or fluid originating from the nipple needs to be alerted as an early symptom of breast cancer.

  13. Certainly

  14. Breasts can be found at a fairly young age of 17 years. The risk of developing breast cancer increases with age. Using data from Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Ruslts (SEER) shows that a woman in the United States has breast cancer during her lifetime is 1: 8 and 1: 202 in the age group from birth to age 39, 1: 26 in the age group 40- 59 years and 1: 28 in the age group 60-69 years.

  15. Have a personal history of high-risk breast cancer

  16. A particular personal history is a significant risk factor for the development of a second breast cancer on one side or the other side of the first breast lump site. In fact, the most common cancer found among breast cancer survivors is metastronous contralateral breast cancer. Factors associated with increased risk of second breast cancer are the initial diagnosis of DCIS, stage IIB, breast cancer whose hormone receptor is negative and young age.

  17. Family History

  18. Women who have an increased risk of breast cancer if they have a family history of having breast cancer as well. In a Nurse's Health Study follow-up study, women with mothers diagnosed with breast cancer before age 50 or older than 50 had a greater risk than women without a family who did not have a history of breast cancer. A history of relatives with breast cancer may also increase the risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer by the age of 50. In essence, a woman has the greatest risk of breast cancer.

  19. Genetic susceptibility

  20. Approximately 20% -25% of breast cancer patients have a family history of breast cancer but only 5% -10% of cases of breast cancer show genetic decline is autosomal dominant. Genetic alleles that predispose to high-risk breast cancer are BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations.

  21. Menarche at an earlier age

  22. Menarche is the initial menstrual period that a woman experiences. Menarche at an earlier age has risk factors for pre- and postmenopausal women to develop breast cancer. Delay of menarche for 2 years compared to associated with a 10% decrease in breast cancer risk. Based on data from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition, in a cohort study finding women who had menarche before age less than 13 years showed a risk of having positive breast cancer showed twice as many hormonal receptors.

  23. Phistory of Parity

  24. Women who never get pregnant and give birth have a higher risk of breast cancer than women who have had pregnancy and childbirth. Women who become pregnant at a young age have a protective effect for their whole life whereas in families of women who are pregnant for the first time at an older age have a greater risk of breast cancer compared to women who never get pregnant and give birth.Compared to women who never had an incident pregnancy cumulative breast cancer in women aged 20 years, 25 years and 35 years consecutively are as follows 20% lower, 10% lower and 5% higher.

  25. Breastfeeding

  26. The facts show that breastfeeding has a protective effect on the development of breast cancer. Breastfeeding may delay the ovulation cycle and reduce levels of endogenous sex hormones in the body. It has been estimated that a 4.3% reduction in breast cancer risk for one-year breast-feeding.

  27. Increased levels of testosterone hormone in the blood

  28. Blood testosterone levels increase the risk of breast cancer in premenopausal and postmenopausal women. High testosterone levels in postmenopausal women are associated with an increased risk of developing breast cancer.

  29. Use of external hormones

  30. The facts show that to a significant relationship between the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and breast cancer risk. Breast cancer associated with hormone replacement therapy is a breast cancer that shows a positive estrogen receptor. When compared between patients taking HRT and those who did not, the risk of breast cancer was higher among those who took HRT.

  31. Frequent consumption of alcohol

  32. Alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer that is statistically at a significant level. Alcohol intake in early and advanced adult life is independently associated with breast cancer risk.

  33. Physical Activity

  34. Routine physical activity performed consistently shows a decreased risk of breast cancer depending on the dose of physical activity. Least physical activity can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 2% and physical activity is quite heavy can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 5%.

  35. Obesitas

  36. Obesity specifically in women with menopause suggests an increased risk of breast cancer. In a prospective multicentre EPIC cohort study, women who had gone through menopause and not using hormone replacement therapy had an increased risk of breast cancer due to weight gain, body mass index, and waist circumference

  37. Paran radiation

  38. Radiation exposures from a variety of sources that vary considerably include medi therapy and an increase in nuclear explosions, increasing the risk of breast cancer. Radiation for health therapy in the chest area for cancer during childhood increases the risk of linear breast cancer with chest radiation dose. The effects of radiation on breast cancer from nuclear bomb radiation in Hiroshimadan Nagasaki are positively related to women who experience the radiation when aged more easily from the age of 35 years. In addition, the incidence of breast cancer also increased in the area of ​​Belaru and Ukraine. The risk of breast cancer in the area has doubled due to the Chernobyl nuclear accident.

  39. Patologi network of breast cancer

  40. Breast disease that develops quite quickly associated with breast cancer risk. Proliferative breast lesions without cell abnormalities, including ordinary ductal hyperplasia, intraductal papillomas, sclerosing adenosis and fibroadenoma that develop breast cancer are about 1.5-2 times higher than the general population.

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