Monday, September 4, 2017

8 Best Fruit to Treatment Cancer

As the world grows so rapidly, at the same time more and more free radicals are roaming and ready to be trapped in your body, oxidizing the cells in your body and affecting the DNA condition and cell regeneration system in your body that will eventually be associated with an increased risk of cancer .

Cancer is now one of the biggest killer machines in the world. At least cancer is listed as one of the 20 most deadly diseases in the world according to WHO data in 2012. And still according to WHO, estimated in the next 20 years the number of people with cancer can increase up to 70%, a prediction that you need to be aware of.

For that it is important for you to know how best to help prevent cancer. And according to one opinion of The American Cancer Society, said one of the best and healthiest ways to prevent cancer is to change the diet. And some of the best food choices that can be quite potent work to prevent cancer include:

  • Tomato

  • Most people just think of tomatoes as a sweet-tasting fruit that is commonly used as a vegetable and flavor enhancer in the dish. Not many know how big the efficacy of tomatoes to prevent cancer. 

    The richness of lycopene in tomatoes, and perfected with rows of vitamins A, C, E and B into tomato power to fight free radicals and prevent cell damage and abnormal activity of cell regeneration. In the publication of the journal 2013 in The Nutritional Science and Vitaminology said tomatoes have the power to prevent prostate cancer and digestion in a relatively high percentage.

  • Pomegranate

  • Delima is known to be one of the finest nutrients and antioxidants, but this type of delimine is definitely not an ordinary pomegranate. There are a range of anti-oxidants ranging from flavonoids, quercetin, anthocyanin, tannins and polyphenols working together to help overcome free radicals, overcome cell oxidation that triggers DNA damage and prevent the formation of harmful abnormal cell regeneration.

    Recognized this type of pomegranate is not easy to get in Indonesia, you can only get it in some large supermarkets. But adding a bowl of your morning cereal with pomegranate grains will be very beneficial for pregnancy.

  • Grapes

    Types of grapes on the market are very diverse, ranging from purple, reddish and green. Whatever type of grape of your choice along with the seeds contained in it has anti-cancer properties.

    The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, in 2005, said that polyphenols in grapes are effective against cancer and growth aberrations. In another research in 2009 also revealed the content of at least more than 30 types of flavonoids in grapes that help cleanse the blood and fight DNA damage and cell oxidation.

  • Noni

  • Tropical fruit of this one is already long known as one of the best anti-cancer of the land melanesia. With its distinctive aroma precisely stored a series of benefits including the ability to detoxify and prevent cell oxidation and maintain the condition of DNA. This is all thanks to the content of proxeronine, quercetin, pinoresinol, scolopetin, and several other important ingredients.

    Adding noni juice as one of your daily menus will give you a row of benefits. The content of vitamins, minerals and astringents in it refreshes and nourishes your body. On the other hand the content of anti-oxidants as well as working to overcome the free radicals in your body and prevent and overcome the formation of abnormal cells.

    Research developed by Hirazumi and Fususawa from The University of Hawaii in 2001 said that in Noni fruit found a number of compounds that work as anti-carcinogenic agents that attack the aggressiveness of cells that transform and overcome the cells that attack healthy cells.

  • Berry

    All kinds of berries are strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, raspberries and other berries are known to have a wealth of flavonoids and anthocyanins are high. Antosianin is known as one of anti-carcinogens or against toxins that damage DNA.
    In a journal published in 2013 of The Anticancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, it is said that blue berries, one of the highest anthocyanin berries have the ability to kill cancer stage II cells of breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer.

    Although the content of anthocyanin in strawberries or raspberries is not as much as blue berries, but this type of berries are easier to find in Indonesia contains a wealth of polyphenols and terpenes that are essential for maintaining cell regeneration, including preventing the formation of abnormal cells.

  • Pineapple

  • In one study revealed at Planta Medica in 2003 it was said that the bromelain content in pineapple not only works to combat cough, but also as an anti-cancer. His ability to kill cancer cells in certain doses can match the ability of chemotherapy.

    A number of other contents in the pineapple work uniquely activate the body's natural immune system against toxins and build a natural protective system against DNA damage that could be the beginning of cancer cell formation.

  • Soursop

  • Although actually more popular in Indonesia, apparently this one fruit recently became popular in the world thanks to the compound content that is claimed to work similar to the ability of chemotherapy to reduce the intensity of cancer cell growth, blocking the flow of nutritional supplies into cancer cells, until cancer cells will die by itself.

    According to healthyeating sources found the content of annonalin and quinolones, a type of flavonoids that work to suppress the growth of cancer cells. Although not fully recognized, some experts see the potential of these two compounds as one alternative to chemotherapy.

  • Dragon fruit

  • Dragon fruit itself is actually composed of 3 types of fruit color, namely red maroon, pink kejinggaan and white. Each is known to contain vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E high. However for the red maroon type you will get a high antosianin addition which is known to be very effective as a detoxification and against the growth of abnormal cells.

    Seeds in dragon fruits are very smooth shaped itself is known to work to help the liver's performance to neutralize toxins while helping to overcome cell damage to prevent the occurrence of abnormal cell formation.

Basically, according to WebMD sources, all kinds of fruits have good benefits against cancer prevention. Preventing cancer will be effective if you regularly consume at least 1 cup of fruit in 2 times a day. You can consume all kinds of fruit because each type of fruit contains different antioxidants that work effectively to detoxify and fight against carcinogenic elements that cause cancer.

But to optimize your efforts to prevent cancer, you can prioritize the best fruits that are effective to prevent kaker. These best fruits will work twice as optimal in helping cleanse your body and overcome some abnormal transformations in your DNA.

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