Tuesday, September 5, 2017

15 of Lung Cancer Treatment Options

Lung cancer occurs in our bodies because it appears that the growth of cancer cells is completely uncontrolled in lung tissue and the origin of this type of cancer is usually from the thin tissue in our lung organ where its form is a layer of cells in the airways. Smoking is the main cause of approximately 75 percent of cases of lung cancer in women and 90 percent in men. Lung cancer can be experienced by someone because of the amount of cigarette smoke inhaled. Is there any method of treatment of lung cancer with natural steps and ingredients but guaranteed to be effective?

  1. Stop Smoking
  2. Because the most important cause of the onset of cancer that attacks the lungs is cigarettes, cigarette addicts or anyone with lung cancer due to active smoking need to stop this bad habit. In the cigarette there are many harmful contents to our body so it will be more convincing us to stop smoking immediately, such as:

    • Benzene is also known as petrochemical and is often used as a dry cleaner clothes. Inside there are carcinogens that can trigger blood cancer.

    • Nicotine is the highest substance in a cigarette and its origin is from tobacco; this is the substance that will destroy the structure of DNA and cause cancer.

    • Tar is a substance that is also carcinogenic when we burn the cigarette. In addition to lung cancer, there is also heart disease, chronic bronchitis, blood diseases, impotence, pregnancy disorders, and enfisema.

    • Arsenic is also dangerous because it is a kind of metal in cigarettes that can make our blood contaminated with toxins.

    • Acetone is a chemical that exists on the remover of nail polish but apparently this is also present in cigarettes and can stay in the part of our lung organ.

    • Formaldehyde is known as a chemical that is usually used as a preservative of the body, so you can imagine how terrible and dangerous substances in these cigarettes for the body.

    • Ammonia is also present in cigarettes and this is the substance that makes a person who smokes can become addicted.

    • Carbon monoxide is a content in cigarettes with a percentage of 5 percent and this is a toxic gas that can damage the process of transporting and distributing oxygen by the blood. The lungs eventually become damaged and other threats are coronary heart disease.

    • Nitrogen oxide should not be forgotten either because this toxic substance or gas also adversely affects the performance and health of the lungs; usually inflammation that will cause.

    • Cadmium is another type of metal in which there is usually a battery-making process. Cadmium is a compound that will enter the body of the smoker and will dwell on the kidney layer. In addition to being harmful to the lungs, kidney damage can also be caused by it.

    • Kumarin may not be too familiar, but this substance used to exist in food as an additive, but the world standard has banned the use of this substance in food, but still in cigarette products.

    • Lead is a carcinogen that can bring death.

    • Naphthalene is known as moth balls which are useful to expel rats and insects, so it certainly would not be good for the organs in the human body.

    • Chromium is another metal that is proven to cause cancer.

    • Hydrogen cyanide is the last content in cigarettes that will rapidly trigger ciliary damage to the bronchial tubes and lungs.

  3. Using Soursop Leaf Extract
  4. To treat lung cancer without having to take a doctor's medicine or any other medical treatments that have side effects, utilizing soursop leaf extract will be helpful for better lung conditions during the treatment. Soursop leaf extract is highly recommended because it is in it there are acetogenins compounds that can make cancer cells die. At least, with these contents the growth of cancer cells will be slowed.

    Acetogenins compounds will not harm healthy body cells in the body because only cancer cells will be resisted. Having a power 10 thousand times greater than chemotherapy drugs, soursop leaf extract with acetogeninsnya compounds known to kill more than twelve kinds of cancer according to research that has proven it. So it could not hurt to start considering this natural remedy.

  5. Eating Mangosteen Skin Extract
  6. The extract from mangosteen peel is well known for its good benefits and all its superiority in taking care of the body and preventing the body from any dangerous diseases, especially cancer. Xanthone content in the extract is really reliable and effective role as antioxidants and also anticancer at the same time. It has been proven in a preclinical research by culturing human breast cancer cells or SKBR3 that xanthones possess great antiproliferation properties where this can be counted on to make the growth of cancer cells slower.

    Its role as apoptosis also makes us more able to trust the mangosteen skin as a natural lung cancer drug because cancer cell penganguran supported by the trait. Different types of compounds are included in the xanthones of the mangosteen peel, so it is obvious that the benefits are enormous. But this xanthone compound we only encounter on mangosteen skin only.

  7. Using Seaweed

  8. Healing lung cancer without medication or medical treatment can actually be done and one of the natural ingredients that will help is seaweed. Seaweed in fact often get into the macrobiotic diet because of its high healing power. It has been proven also that seaweed is very useful in healing various types of cancer, and not least lung cancer.
    ( Read More about : 6 Benefits Of Seaweed For Cancer Treatment )

    This type of marine vegetables is very useful because of its great role in detoxifying the human body. Various important minerals are present in the seaweed, so the body is definitely needed. Treatment or treatment using this ingredient may be tried as long as the smoking habit is also discontinued in order to obtain the best results.

  1. Drink Green Tea
  2. Green tea is a kind of healthy drink that is not only good for treating lung cancer but also a common type of cancer. This is because the role of green tea is also an antioxidant in which lung cancer will be helped in its recovery. But remember, may and is recommended to consume not then then we can consume as much as we want because when excessive also will not be good for the body. Simply consuming 2 cups per day, lung cancer will be better maintained apart from avoiding smoking.

  3. Avoiding Sugar
  4. Sugar is not just to be avoided by people with diabetes, but apparently no sugar is also recommended for consumption by people with lung cancer. Sugar will actually increase cell growth faster than usual so that cancer can become more serious in the near future. To avoid worsening lung cancer, sugar-rich foods and drinks should be avoided as best they can.

  5. Avoiding Alcohol Drink
  6. It seems very clear and unquestionable why alcohol drinks should not be consumed by cancer patients, including those with lung cancer, because alcohol is also one type of health-damaging drink. Many types of diseases that arise in the human body caused by the effects of liquor, so to treat lung cancer successfully, stop the habit of drinking liquor. Not only the lungs that will be disrupted performance by alcoholic beverages, the nervous system will eventually become damaged and this is why many drinkers and alcoholics begin to lose their senses.

  7. Healthy Diet
  8. Dieting will not only help us gain the ideal body weight and beautiful body shape is seen because a healthy diet is also able to help people with lung cancer in its recovery. Starting a balanced diet when you have the symptoms of lung cancer will also reduce the risk of cancer becomes severe. The thing to do when a healthy diet is to consume lots of water and balanced with healthy foods like salads.

    Fruits are also highly recommended for consumption, only for citrus fruit needs more reproduction and should be enjoyed regularly in the afternoon or afternoon. To help the treatment of lung cancer, patients are advised to stay away from nuts because this type of food is not good for lung cancer.

  9. Obtaining Vitamin D
  10. Vitamin D seems also important and can be used as a natural medicine for lung cancer. To obtain this nutrient, we can look for foods with high vitamin D content (cow's milk is allowed with a small quantity, but for other dairy products should be avoided). But actually vitamin D can be obtained from the morning sun; so, it's good every morning take a moment to bask while the morning sun shines. Vitamin D will greatly support the care, recovery and treatment of lung cancer patients naturally.

  11. Using Linseed Oil
  12. Ever heard or seen the shape of flax oil or hemp oil? If possible, people with lung cancer may also use this natural ingredient for a more natural and perfect cure. How to use it clearly by eating it with a small quantity or dose every day. Do not stop and consume every day, even when the lungs feel a bit better.

  13. Utilizing Asian Ginseng
  14. Ginseng is undoubtedly a benefit to maintain and even improve body health. Ginseng is very often used as the main ingredient of traditional medicine and it turns out this ingredient is also good for treating lung cancer. Even according to UMMC or University of Maryland Medical Center, taking ginseng daily or routinely will be able to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer; In addition to lung cancer of the stomach, ovarian cancer, liver cancer, and pancreatic cancer can be lowered the risks.

    This is because ginseng has been shown to have the ability to resist or slow the growth of tumors in the body. In addition to lung cancer being treated, ginseng will also help improve the physical and mental quality of its consumption. So actually there are many health benefits that can be at once perceived by us.

  15. Consuming Ginger
  16. Ginger may be known as a potent natural ingredient that is most often used as a cough medicine, whereas ginger is also good and effective in treating and preventing lung cancer. Whether it's made a hot drink or add it to the dish, we can feel the efficacy for our troubled lungs.
    ( Read More about : 10 Benefits Of Ginger For Cancer Treatment )

  1. Using Turmeric
  2. Other herbs that may be used to treat lung cancer are turmeric because the spice that similarity levels with high ginger has curcumin substance. Substance that will be very instrumental in expelling substances trigger lung cancer. Even for those who suffer from pneumonia will also be lighter after consuming this one material.

  3. Consume Pomegranate Fruit
  4. The treatment of other safe and natural lung cancers is a pomegranate because the fruit is apparently very beneficial for making the blood supply increase. In addition, toxic substances that enter and stay in the organs of our lungs from cigarettes will be eliminated naturally without side effects.

  5. Eating Berry Fruit
  6. To remove and eliminate all carcinogens from cigarettes that live in our lungs, berries can be consumed regularly every day. In berries there is a content of zeaxanthin coupled with flavonoids, lutein and even carotenoids that automatically support the healing period of lung cancer. Types of berries are recommended to be consumed, among others, blackberries, raspberries and blueberries.

Thus 15 natural and healthy lung cancer treatment can be performed either with or without medical treatment. Natural treatments are clearly more reliable without harmful side-effects as long as the ingredients are consumed according to the right dose without exaggeration. Clean the lungs in these ways and safely try it.

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