Friday, September 8, 2017

18 Symptoms of Rear Head Tumors, The Most Dangerous Neck

Cancer in the head is very much of its kind. Because inside the head there are vital organs that may become cancerous. For example, brain cancer neuroblastoma that can protrude from the cavity and urged the organs in the head or cancer in the nose certainly provide symptoms in the organs of the nose and so forth. To know the symptoms of cancer in the head area to know where the tumor originated. Below are some types of cancer in the head that you can know the symptoms.

  1. Papiloma Nose

  2. Papilloma is a type of malignant tumor that the body on the nose. most commonly comes from the flat epithelial lining of the nose. Symptoms are as follows

    • Tumors are verrucous or cauliflower-like or chicken-like
    • Located in the nasal vestibulum (nasal cavity)
    • Like warts on the skin
    • Can grow single or multiple, hanging or like a pencil

  3. Inverted Papilloma Nose

  4. Named after the origin of the yaitul tumor comes from the epithelial cells that grow inward rather than grow out. The symptoms are

    • Often found in men
    • Age 40-70 years
    • Located on the side wall of the nose
    • Located on one side. For example there is a tumor on the left just left yes
    • Tumors are red or gray or transparent and swollen

  5. Nose Capillary Hemangioma

  6. Hemangioma is a tumor that originates from blood vessels and is often called a bloody septal polyp. Here are the symptoms

    • Tumor with smooth surface, black red, hanging
    • Located at the front of the nasal septum
    • Frequent recurring nosebleeds
    • Nasal congestion

  7. Malignant Cancer Nose Cavity

  8. Primary cancer originating from the nasal cavity is very rare. Normally cancer in the nasal cavity is an extension of maxillary sinus cancer or ethmoid sinus cancer. Symptoms of a malignant cancer of the nasal cavity depend on the location of this malignant tumor originating. Here are the symptoms

    • In the nasal portion of the vestibule: a mass appears from the side wall and extends backward and to the floor of the nose and upper lip. Cancer at this location can spread to the parotid gland.
    • In the septum: originating from the mucocutaneous border and causing a burning sensation or pain in the nose
    • Side wall: this part is the most common part of cancer of the nose. Visible tumor shaped polypoid. Usually this tumor will extend to the ethmoid sinus or maxillary sinus.

  9. Malignant melanoma

  10. The front of the nasal cavity is covered by the skin. Therefore, malignancy of the skin can also occur in this section, one of which is the malignancy of melanocyte cells. Here are the symptoms

    • Found at the age of 50 years
    • Both sexes are strongly affected
    • Tumor mass is gray or bluish black
    • Most commonly found on the front of the nasal cavity

  11. Neuroblastoma

  12. Neuroblastoma is a malignancy that occurs in olfactory receptor nerve cells. Here are the symptoms

    • Can occur in both sexes
    • Can be suffered by all age groups
    • A red cherry-shaped mass of polypoid in the upper third of the nasal cavity
    • Sufferers can have nosebleeds because these tumors are fragile and already bleeding

  13. Osteoma

  14. These tumors include benign tumors that are often seen in the frontal sinuses. This sinus is behind the cheek. This tumor comes from the bone and initially does not give symptoms. Treatment is given if these tumors have already given symptoms such as sinus ostium clogging, mucocele formation, pressure symptoms due to their growth to the eye, nose or cranial sockets.

  15. Fibrous dysplasia

  16. In this condition, the bone is replaced by fibrous tissue especially in the maxillary sinus, sometimes in the ethmoid sinus and frontal sinuses. Symptoms that may be experienced are:

    • Unequal facial shape
    • Nasal congestion
    • An abnormal eyeball position

  17. Ameloblastoma (adamantinoma)

  18. This cancer is a cancer that can grow very quickly and come from the odontogenous tissue and invade the maxillary sinus. Other rare tumors are hemangioma, meningioma and inverted papilloma.

  19. Maxillary sinus carcinoma

  20. This carcinoma is derived from the maxillary sinus and does not cause any symptoms for a long time and provides symptoms such as sinusitis. Suddenly the sinus cancer has spread and destroys the surrounding bone and invades surrounding structures. Here are the symptoms of maxillary sinus cancer.

    • Early symptoms include: dead-end nose, mucus mixed with blood, tingling on the face or pain and epifora.
    • Advanced symptoms include: based on the direction of spread and growth rate of this tumor.
    • Spreading to the medial nasal cavity causes symptoms such as a dead-end nose, runny nose and nosebleeds. In addition, it can spread to the anterior and posterior ethmoid sinuses.
    • Spreading forward causes swelling of the cheeks and then invades the skin
    • Spreading under the nasal cavity can cause alveolus expansion with dental pain, broken teeth, poor tooth bone, gum ulceration and swelling on the palate.
    • Spread to the top can invade the eye cavity and cause eyelid down, doble sight, eye pain and epiphora (or shed tears continuously)
    • Spread to the back to the pterygomaksila fossa, pterygoid plates and muscle can cause trismus. Its spread can spread to the nasopharynx, sphenoid sinus, and brain base.
    • Intracranial spread can be through the ethmoid sinus, cribiformis tau foramen lacerum
    • Spread to the lymph system. Metastes to the lymph nodes rarely occur at the onset of the onset of disease, When already in advanced stage, there is an enlargement of the lymph nodes in the submandile and in the upper jugular vein

  21. Ethmoid Sinus Cancer

  22. Ethmoid sinus cancer is often derived from the spread of the maxillary knker, the early symptoms of this cancer are as follows

    • A dead-end nose
    • Mucus mixed with blood
    • And pain behind the eyes

    While the advanced symptoms of ethmoid sinus cancer is

    • Widening the width of the bridge of the nose
    • Change the position of the eyeball becomes more to the side
    • Double view
    • Meningtis. When the expansion occurs through the bone cribiformis.

  23. Mucocele

  24. Mucocele is a type of benign tumor that cystic consistency and is usually located on the lower lip. Patients will complain as a lump under the lips that have long. Mucocele occurs due to retention of the cysts in the minor salivary glands present on the lower lip. Usually this kist colored bluish and smooth surface. The recommended therapy is excision.

  25. Ranula

  26. Ranula is a transparent cyst that is often found on the floor of the mouth on one side of the frenulum and often pushes the tongue upwards. Ranula is a salivary gland under the tongue caused by a blockage of the salivary gland channel. Some ranula extend to the neck.

  27. Dermoid

  28. Dermoid is a tumor originating from the mucosa above the mylohyoid muscle. This tumor is a shiny white mass visible from the mucous membranes. Very different from the ranula which is a transparent mass. The dermoid under the chin is called the dermoid submental. This dermoid grows under the mylohyoid muscle and is symptomatic as swelling behind the chin.

  29. Leukoplakia

  30. Leukoplakia is a precancerous lesion, meaning a lesion that becomes a precursor to cancer. These lesions are in the form of white patches on the oral mucosa that can be caused due to chronic irritation such as cigarette and alcohol consumption. Its location is usually on the cheek muosa or kommisura and occurs in people who are 40 years old or 50 years old. And men more often 2-3 times suffer from this lesion.

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